Hanasaka Yui (voiced by Ichimichi Mao) is a 17-year-old female high school student. In order to prepare for the upcoming entrance examination, she moved from her hometown to Tokyo to join her sister who lives here. Although Yui looks a little dull on weekdays, she is actually a very optimistic and hardworking girl. Although Taoyuan Nayue (voiced by Murakawa Rie) looks petite and cute, she is unexpectedly good at housework and is busy every day for her brother's life. Qingdao Moeka (voiced by Mimori Suzuko) has always wanted to be a singer, but after really embarking on this road, she found that the journey was full of twists and turns and difficulties. Although she is very competitive and strong on the surface, Moeka actually has a very gentle side. With these three lovely girls, summer begins.