Merida (voiced by Kusunoki Tomo) was born into the famous "Paladin" family. Every relative with Paladin blood can use very powerful abilities. However, there is no trace of such abilities in Merida. Merida was exiled because she was suspected of not having pure blood. Even so, the hardworking and tenacious Merida did not slack off in her daily practice, and firmly believed that one day she would be able to burst out with shocking power. Kufa (voiced by Ono Yuki) was sent to Merida's side to become her tutor. In fact, Kufa's true identity is a killer belonging to the White Night Cavalry. The superior ordered Kufa to approach Merida, and once it was confirmed that she was indeed unable to use her abilities, she would be assassinated. However, Merida's optimism and persistence gradually moved Kufa.