Somewhere in the cold city of Asahikawa, Hokkaido, lives a young lady named Kujo Sakurako (voiced by Shizuka Ito), who considers herself a beauty. In addition to being a little narcissistic, Sakurako also has a quirk of making specimens with the bones of dead bodies, and has a deeper knowledge of autopsies. Perhaps it is the extraordinary love for corpses and bones that is almost paranoid that has caused Sakurako to be involved in various incredible deaths one after another. In the process, ordinary high school student Kanwaki Shotaro (voiced by Junya Enoki) was also led around by Sakurako, witnessing the moment when each case was solved. For the deceased, it is precisely because of a weirdo like Sakurako that their grievances can be redressed... This film is adapted from the light novel of the same name by Shiori Ota.