Yuto Suoho (voiced by Hiroyuki Sakai) is an ordinary second-year junior high school student. Not long ago, his mother passed away, and a huge misunderstanding arose between Yuto and his father. By chance, Yuto was teleported to a different world called "Yugdorasiel", which is in a war-torn era, with various tribes fighting for the throne of the ruler. With the cast iron knowledge he learned in the modern world, Yuto gained the trust and recognition of the wolf tribe and became a leader. Felicia (voiced by Rie Sueera), who is mature and stable but has an unexpectedly childish side, Jikoruni (voiced by Juri Ida), who treats everyone very coldly, and Ingrid (voiced by Maki Kawase), the smart and reliable workshop owner, surrounds Yuto with these brave and warlike Valkyries.