The movie version of "Yu-Gi-Oh!" is adapted from the well-known Japanese card game and TV cartoon. The protagonist of the story is Yugi Muto, a high school boy who is obsessed with card games. Fighting monsters is his greatest mission! The truth behind the seemingly simple card game is always much more complicated than we imagine. It contains an ancient mysterious power that can change the course of history! In the depths of the Egyptian desert, an ancient evil spirit is reawakened: the god of the dead who was defeated by Yugi Muto's mysterious second self, the "Pharaoh" hundreds of years ago, has returned to the world. He wants to completely defeat Yugi Muto and become the master of the world! Can Yugi and his friends defeat the powerful god of the dead before the earth is swallowed by the desert? Is the seemingly child's play card game really the last hope to save the world?