In a traffic accident, Kobayashi Teppei (voiced by Takuma Terajima) lost his parents forever. At this time, his grandfather Arima Isshin (voiced by Norio Wakamoto) appeared in front of Teppei, hoping that Teppei could become his heir and inherit the huge Arima Group. In order to become a responsible man and to avenge his parents, Teppei moved into a mansion and settled in the aristocratic school Xiufeng Academy, vowing to become an upper-class elite that everyone can look up to. At his grandfather's house, Teppei met Sylvia (voiced by Emi Toyoguchi), a descendant of the knight, and her decisive and sassy personality attracted Teppei's attention. At the same time, the eldest lady Fengjoin Shenghua (voiced by Emiri Kato) and the maid Fujikura Yu (voiced by Yuki Matsuoka) also appeared beside Teppei one after another. In the academy, Teppei met Princess Charlotte (voiced by Suzuka Yuzuki), who once fell in love at first sight. This unexpected reunion added a strong touch to Teppei's life.