Due to his mixed-race appearance and golden hair, the boy Yuzegawa Kotaka (voiced by Kimura Ryohei), who is actually very kind, has become the object of isolation by everyone, which makes him very distressed. Similarly, the ugly-looking and lonely girl Mikazuki Yozora (voiced by Inoue Marina) can only talk and laugh with her imaginary friends after class. In this way, two lonely people met, and a club "Neighbor Club" was established specifically for making friends. Unexpectedly, once the club was established, it actually attracted many beautiful girls with strange personalities-the beautiful girl Kashiwazaki Hoshina (voiced by Ito Kanae), who likes to play beautiful girl games, Nan Xincun (voiced by Yamamoto Nozomi), who looks like a girl but is actually a man, the super high IQ girl Shikuma Rika (voiced by Fukuen Misato), and Yuzegawa Kobato (Hanazawa Kana), a severe patient with the second disease. These guys without friends got together and made many friends without realizing it.