Five years ago, the ordinary Emmet (voiced by Chris Pratt) saved the Lego world, but the aliens from the planet Debao destroyed the hard-won peace. After that, the Lego world was desolate, and alien visitors were destroying every intact building at any time. On this day, General Meihan from the sister galaxy drove a spacecraft to the Lego world. She easily defeated the attacks of Lucy, Batman and others, and then took five people including Lucy to the sister galaxy. On the alien planet, Lucy and others met the portable queen. At this time, the queen was planning to hold a grand wedding in the newly built space temple, and the wedding object was Batman. On the other hand, Emmet flew to space alone to find Lucy, and encountered Reis, a mysterious man who raised dinosaurs, on the way, so they joined forces to march into the sister galaxy. In order to prevent the end of the world, Emmet tried his best...