As the son of the famous calligrapher Hantian Qingming, Handa Kiyofunaga (voiced by Shimazaki Nobunaga) has an unusual childhood. Handa has a handsome appearance and a smart mind, but he is introverted and not good at speaking. One misunderstanding after another makes him a "weird" in the eyes of his classmates, and Handa, who has always been clumsy and tongue-tied, naturally cannot justify himself. In this way, the legend of "Handa's Wall" spreads like wildfire on campus. How can Handa, who always misinterprets the kindness of others, turn things around? With the company and help of Kawato Takao (voiced by Okitsu Kazuyuki), who always teases Handa, Junichi Aizawa (voiced by Hirose Yuya), who has excellent grades and leadership qualities, Reio Nikaido (voiced by Kakihara Tetsuya), who is handsome and always competes with Handa, Akane Tsutsui (voiced by Hosoya Yoshimasa), who is strong and muscular, and Yukio Kondo (voiced by Yamashita Daiki), who is in a similar situation to Handa, can Handa finally get out of the shackles of his heart and gain recognition from the people around him?