Poppy (voiced by Anna Kendrick) is the princess of the Elf City. She has magical powers and colorful hair. She is optimistic and loves to sing. But one day, their friends were captured by their mortal enemy, the "Bognaw Tribe". In order to save her best friends from the "Bognaw Tribe", Poppy asked for help from Bran (voiced by Justin Timberlake), a "weirdo" in the Elf City, but Bran is an unsociable pessimist. Although he agreed to the princess's request, he just wanted the princess to know that the world is not as she thought, with only cakes and rainbows. Along the way, they experienced many strange and interesting things together, and discovered things in their hearts that they had never discovered before. But most importantly, with the help of Poppy, they found the ultimate secret weapon that could save the entire Magic Trolls City.