The story revolves around a group of young people with flamboyant personalities. Tony (Nicholas Hoult) is a handsome, rebellious boy who is in a leading position in his circle of friends. On his good friend Sid's (Mike Bailey) birthday, Tony decided to give him a big "surprise" - let his girlfriend Michelle (April Pearson) help Sid say goodbye to his virginity. A rave party will be held that night. Tony summoned all his friends, and all kinds of young people appeared one by one. They were all immersed in music, drugs and sex... After a night of carnival, six young people drove away, but because of a small accident, they rushed into a small river with their cars... This is a youth story about these boys and girls. They were once addicted to alcohol, drugs and psychedelic parties. What will the future be like and what will they face in the future, they have no idea...