The silly girl Tanaka Nozomi (voiced by Akasaki Chinatsu) who has a carefree personality and special abilities to get along with anyone in a short time, Kikuchi Akane (voiced by Tomatsu Haruka) who appears to be a cute and tsundere girl but is actually a otaku, Saginomiya Shiori (voiced by Toyosaki Aki) who always has a blank expression and no one knows what she is thinking, Momoi Sakihisa (voiced by Naganawa Maria) who is very petite and is particularly concerned about her height, Yamamoto Minami (voiced by Tomita Miyu) who has a hopeless chuunibyou, and Ichisou (voiced by Takahashi Rie) who is very serious and takes anything outrageous seriously. The story slowly unfolds around these lovely female high school students, and their different personalities collide to create an unusually moving symphony of joy.