The story begins when Sento is riding a motorcycle on the road and receives a call from Misora and Sister Sae. Manjo goes to visit Kasumi's (girlfriend) grave, Ikkai goes to visit Mitsuba's grave, and Gentoku sleeps. The governor of Sando begins his speech, and Sento rescues a pair of siblings from Smash. Because of Kengo Ino's brainwashing, the people attack Sento. After the destruction of Mars, the Blood Tribe has been operating as a shadow for 10 years in order to destroy the Earth. Evolto was not involved in it, which led to the destruction of the three people. On the way to escape, two dogs suddenly appeared. Seeing that the dogs were so cute, Sento couldn't help taking pictures of them. Unfortunately, he was discovered by the people and ran away again. In the cheering seats of the football field, Ikkai and Gentoku reached an agreement. But at this time, the governor of Kitato, Saiga Ryoka, appeared and turned into Scissors Smash, and fought with Rogue and Grease. Hearing that it was Mitsuomi Gohara who first proposed to turn Kasumi into Smash, Manjo immediately turned into Cross-z Magma and fought with Mitsuomi who turned into Zebra Smash. But at this time, Kengo Ino appeared and brainwashed Manjo. Ino Kengo and the brainwashed Manjo appeared to investigate the [Goku Project], and Manjo transformed into GreatCross-z and attacked War Rabbit. War Rabbit also transformed into Rabbit Rabbit to fight. However, he was caught by Zebra Smash and Scissor Smash and could not move, and was hit hard by GreatCross-z's [GreatDragonFinish], causing the transformation to be cancelled. Ikkai and Gentoku were caught by Saiga Ryoka, and Utsumi appeared and said that if you want to squeeze the belt, kneel down. Only Gentoku knelt down and took back the belt. War Rabbit, whose transformation was cancelled, was taken away by Manjo and handed over to Kengo Ino. Like Scissor Smash, Zebra Smash and Manjo, Kengo Ino used [Great Crossing Dragon], [Cobra Lost Bottle] and [Danger Trigger] to transform into Kamen Rider Blood. Just when Blood was about to give the physical body of Battle Rabbit a fatal blow, Evolto arrived to save Battle Rabbit.