The story takes place in the private Yumenosaki Academy, where all the boys who study here aim to become idols. Hokuto Hyoutaka (voiced by Yoshimasa Hosoya), who looks cold on the outside but is very gentle on the inside, Subaru (voiced by Tetsuya Kakihara), who has a carefree personality and a very contagious smile, Yugi Shin (voiced by Shotaro Morikubo), who looks very fashionable and unrestrained but actually blushes when talking to girls, and Mao Izara (voiced by Yuki Kaji), who is extremely afraid of trouble but always gets involved in troublesome incidents. These four boys with different personalities form an idol group called "Trickstar" and train energetically every day. In the academy, there is a competition called the Dream Festival, and the status and ranking of each idol group in the school are all determined by this competition.