This story takes place in modern times. Barbie (voiced by Diana Kaarina), who has always lived a carefree life, was fired. She was depressed and decided to go to Paris to relax and stay with her aunt Millicent (voiced by Patricia Drake), who opened a fashion house in Paris. When she arrived in Paris, Barbie learned that the fashion house was about to face the fate of bankruptcy due to the conspiracy of her peers. Unwilling to see such a tragedy happen, Barbie, Millicent and her assistant Alice (voiced by Tabitha St. Germain) decided to join forces to help Millicent. By chance, Barbie and Alice discovered a secret fashion house where fashion was born. In the fashion house, the two girls met the quirky fashion elves. With the help of the elves, can Barbie help Millicent regroup? Ken (Adrian Petriw), Barbie's boyfriend, followed Barbie's footsteps and came to Paris from afar.