The simple and kind-hearted Kitashirakawa Tamako (voiced by Suzaki Aya), the tough-looking Tokiwa Midori (voiced by Kaneko Yuki), the self-willed Makino Kanna (voiced by Nagatsuma Juri), and the cold-hearted Asagiri Shiori (voiced by Yamashita Yurie), the four friends accompanied each other and spent the happiest three years of their lives. Now, with graduation season approaching, facing the future that is still in the mist, the four girls have a faint uneasiness in their hearts, but more of it is the hope and fantasy of their future life. Tamako's family has been running a rice cake shop for generations, and Tamako is the eldest daughter in the family, which makes Tamako have to start considering the idea of inheriting the family business. At the same time, Tamako's childhood sweetheart Oji Mochikura (voiced by Atsushi Tamaru) also has his own choice. Although his family and Tamako's family are competitors in the shopping street, he seems to have fallen in love with the cute Tamako.