The story takes place in a remote ruin on the Mediterranean coast, where the crazy female artist Luce (Elina Löwensohn) lives and lives in isolation. Recently, the writer Matt Bernier has also come to the ruins, and from time to time he has a corpse-showing party with Luce. The sun is shining, and there is nothing to do. On this day, four robbers hijacked 250 kilograms of gold. They are the leader Reno, the fat man, Alex and the lawyer Brisorgueil. They drove wildly, and ended up picking up a woman named Melanie and her family on the way. Melanie is Bernier's wife, and the two are getting divorced, so she brought her nanny and children to find her husband who was sleeping in the same bed but dreaming differently. When they arrived at the ruins, someone in the robbery gang tried to monopolize the gold, and at this moment, two patrolmen also came here. A gunfight broke out suddenly, and everything developed in an unpredictable direction...