The story takes place in the literature club of a certain high school. Onodera Kazusa (voiced by Kono Hiwa), who easily falls into delusion, Sugawara Arata (voiced by Anzai Chika), who always makes surprising remarks without realizing it, Sudo Momoko (voiced by Asakura Momo), a literary girl with zero love experience and an extremely simple mind, Hongo Ichiha (voiced by Kurosawa Tomoyo), who wants to write her own novel, and the president Sonezaki Rika (voiced by Uesaka Sumire), who is very old-fashioned and avoids the topic of sex. These five members of the literature club have very different personalities. One day, everyone was discussing the topic of "what you want to do before you die", and Arata, who is usually unknown, suddenly said "I want to experience sex", and this sudden remark threw the entire literature club into chaos. Although the girls reacted differently to this sentence, their hearts were all moved.