Yuki Morikawa (voiced by Aya Hirano) is a college idol singer affiliated with Ogata Office. She has a cute appearance and sweet voice and is very popular in society. Yuki has a boyfriend named Fujii Fuyuya (voiced by Tomoaki Maeno) who she has been dating since college. Yuki cherishes and values their relationship very much. Unfortunately, Fuyuya doesn't think so. Fuyuya, who is timid and cowardly by nature, feels extra pressure for his girlfriend's growing popularity, and there begins to be a deep gap between the two. Ogata Rina (voiced by Nana Mizuki), who works in the same office as Yuki, appears in Fuyuya's sight. Unlike Yuki, Rina has a fashionable appearance and a strong personality, but it is this difference that attracts Fuyuya's attention. At the same time, the cheerful and lively Sawakura Misaki (voiced by Megumi Takamoto) and the innocent Mana Mizuki (voiced by Haruka Tomatsu) also appear next to Fuyuya. Fuyuya, who is caught in an emotional whirlpool, doesn't know where to go.