The story revolves around a device called "SCM", which is worn on the user's upper palate. When two people who also wear SCM meet, they can have a "duel" of any content. The loser in the duel will become the slave of the winner and must unconditionally obey any request made by the winner. The freelancer Arakawa Eia (voiced by Yamamura Hibiki) who looks indifferent but has a sense of justice in his heart, Ota Yuka (voiced by Suzuki Ryota) who is impulsive but very charming, Katsushika Juriya (voiced by Senbongi Ayaka) who is extremely persistent in love, the cunning cowherd Shinjuku Makoto (voiced by Midorikawa Hikaru), and Toyoshima Ayaka (voiced by Kinoshita Suzuna) who is full of admiration for Makoto, the story revolves around these urban men and women who wear SCM and are controlled and driven by desire.