On the surface, Tomoya Aki (voiced by Yoshitsugu Matsuoka) is just an ordinary boy. In fact, he has another identity - the producer of the doujin game club "Blessingsoftware". By chance, Tomoya met a cute girl named Kato Megumi (voiced by Anno Kiyono). After discovering Kato Megumi's unique charm, Tomoya decided to make her the heroine of the GAL game he made. Tomoya's childhood sweetheart, Eriri (voiced by Onishi Saori), who has the dual faces of campus elite and sloppy homebody, Kasumigaoka Shiha (voiced by Chino Ai), a taciturn senior who has published a super-best-selling love light novel, and Hyodo Michiru (voiced by Yahagi Sayuri), the lead singer of the band "icytail", who has a prejudice against the two-dimensional culture, these girls with different personalities have joined Tomoya's game production plan one after another.