Kazuya Aoi (voiced by Mitsuhiro Ichiki) is a kind and ordinary boy, but the death of his sister Kazuha Aoi (voiced by Mamiko Noto) has forever changed his future path. The one who attacked Kazuha was an alien body called "NOVA". In order to avenge his sister, Kazuya entered the Geneticus Academy, a special school for training warriors to fight alien bodies. In the academy, the students are divided into two categories: Pandora and Controller. In this way, Kazuya met a group of girls who are weak in appearance but extremely powerful. Among them, Satiraisa (voiced by Mamiko Noto), known as the strongest Pandora, is the most concerned by Kazuya. By chance, Kazuya actually formed a partner with her. In addition, there are the arrogant girl Ganesha (voiced by Eri Kitamura), who is tough on the outside but soft on the inside, and the mysterious Tibetan transfer student Lana Linqin (voiced by Kana Hanazawa). In the process of fighting and learning, Kazuya is determined to uncover the mystery of his sister's death.