Since childhood, Chihaya Ayase (voiced by Asami Seto) has only one dream - to help her sister Chitose Ayase (voiced by Aya Endo) become the best model in Japan. In order to achieve this dream, Chihaya can be said to be unscrupulous. However, a transfer student named Wataya Arata (voiced by Yoshimasa Hosoya) completely shattered her illusion. "If it's not your own business, it's not a dream!" Chihaya, who was awakened by Wataya's words, decided to transfer her ideal to the "Ogura Hyakunin Isshu Competitive Karasu" that Wataya taught her. A brand new Chihaya who constantly strives for her ideal is freshly baked! As a childhood sweetheart, the perfect boy Majima Taichi (voiced by Mamoru Miyano) has always had a crush on Chihaya, but he doesn't know how to express his feelings and always can't help bullying his beloved Chihaya. Seeing Chihaya and Wataya getting closer and closer because of karasu, Taichi decided to join their "Karasu Club" and also started the battle for Chihaya. Time flies, and the three of them have already forged a deep friendship because of Hanaru. As graduation is approaching, the three of them agree that as long as Hanaru exists, they will meet again.