14-year-old Ikeuchi Aya (Sawajiri Erika) lives in an ordinary family of 6. She is a role model for her younger siblings with excellent grades. After entering high school, her body seemed to have some problems. She began to lose balance and often fell to the ground. Her mother took her to the hospital for examination and found that she was suffering from an incurable disease called spinocerebellar degeneration. Her life has undergone earth-shaking changes. She had to quit the school's basketball team because her hands and feet began to lose coordination, writing would also have difficulties, and finally even lost the ability to speak. She gave up a lot of things, gave up her love, gave up her interests, but in exchange for discrimination and misunderstanding from some people. She didn't understand why the disease chose her, but with the understanding and encouragement of her family and the support of her confidant Aso Haruto (Nishikido Ryo), she was still full of hope for life.