The story takes place in a small town. Okazaki Tomoya (voiced by Nakamura Yuichi) is a student at Hikarizaka High School. He has been living a muddled life due to family reasons. He does not participate in any club activities, and his only friend is Haruhara Yohei (voiced by Sakaguchi Daisuke). On the way to school one day, on the slope where cherry blossoms are flying, he met a girl, Furukawa Nagisa (voiced by Nakahara Mai), and his life changed from then on. Nagisa took a year off due to illness, and when she returned to school, she felt quite uncomfortable with the surrounding environment. She wanted to join the drama club, but the drama club had already closed down. Tomoya decided to help her carry out the activities of the drama club, and the relationship between the two became closer. Soon after, Tomoya met a talented girl, Ichinose Kotomi (voiced by Noto Mamiko) in the library. "CLANNAD" is a TV version of the animation work adapted by Kyoto Animation based on the game of the same name by Key Club. The animation is based on the Furukawa Nagisa line of the original game as the main plot, and interspersed with related plots of other heroines.