The story begins seven years after the first season. The rules of Gundam model battles have been reformed, making them more popular. Although Iori Makoto and Reiji won the 7th Gundam Model Battle World Championship, it also brought a lot of glory to the school, Seiho Academy. However, its "Gundam Model Battle Club" only has the leader, the third-year junior high school student, Hoshino Fumina. Under the new competition rules, if you want to participate in the competition, you must participate in the battle in a team of three. However, the Gundam Model Battle Club of Seiho Academy is difficult to appear due to insufficient number of people. By chance, a transfer student appeared, Kamiki Sekai, who had practiced the Dimension Overlord Style boxing for many years with his master. Later, Kosaka Yuuma, who is known as a genius Gundam model creator, also joined. Finally, Hoshino Fumina, Kamiki Sekai, and Kosaka Yuuma formed Team Try Fighters and were able to appear in the Gundam Model Battle Competition and challenge the World Championship.