Blumhouse Productions announced in the past that it would develop the movie "The Purge" into a TV series. The first film in the "The Purge" film series was released in 2013, and later two sequels with great box office success were released (the fourth episode "The Purge 4 The First Purge" is scheduled to be released this year). The series version was shot by the Blumhouse TV department and is scheduled to be broadcast on USA and Syfy (both under NBC) on September 4th, US time. The series version of "The Purge" will describe a new chapter in the anarchic 12-hour purge day in the United States. In the movie, the Purge is an annual anarchic festival. Criminal activities (murder, robbery, etc.) are approved between 7 pm and 7 am the next day, and hospitals, police, and fire services will all stop. During these 12 hours, everyone (except some important people who are still protected) has to rely on themselves to survive... or choose to kill.