The film consists of three interrelated short stories. The king (John C. Reilly) loves his pet fleas the most, in addition to the unruly and spoiled Princess Viola (Bebe Cave). What no one expected was that the little fleas had grown to the size of sheep. The queen (Salma Hayek) has been troubled by infertility for many years. The king used his life to exchange the heart of a sea beast for the queen to eat, so that the medicine could cure the disease. Who knew that not only the queen was pregnant, but also the maid who cooked the heart for the queen was pregnant. The two gave birth to children at the same time. The king fell in love with the woman singing under the castle. What he didn't know was that the woman's true identity was actually an ugly old witch, and she had this twin sister. The king invited one of them to spend a good night with him, but he didn't know that he was involved in a turmoil.