In order to prepare for the exam, the failed student Gosaku Gosaku (voiced by Nimaru Issei) moved into a collective apartment called "Ichikokukan", where he is about to embark on a new struggle journey full of twists and turns and sweat. In addition to Yusaku, there are all kinds of strange people living in Ichikokukan - Hana Ichinose (voiced by Aoki Kazuyo), a wife who likes to inquire about other people's family affairs, Yotsuya (voiced by Chiba Shigeru), who is a ghost without voyeurism, and Roppongi Akemi (voiced by Mita Tomoko), who is straightforward and serious. With the "company" of these people, Yusaku feels that the distance between him and his ideal is getting farther and farther. Otonashi Kyoko (voiced by Shimi Shimamoto) is the manager of the apartment and the goddess in Yusaku's mind. When his mood falls to the bottom, Yuta can regain his confidence with just a word or a smile from Kyoko. In addition to the tall, rich and handsome Shun Mitaka (voiced by Akira Kamiya), there is also Kyoko's dead husband, who can't let go of her longing for her husband, which makes Kyoko often fall into sadness. Can Yusaku realize his ideal? Will his love with Xiangzi be able to blossom and bear fruit? Every day, life stories with laughter and tears are staged in Ikkokan.