The ordinary-looking Tomoya Aki (voiced by Yoshitsugu Matsuoka) is a standard otaku who is fascinated by ACG culture and is also the producer of a game club. One day, Tomoya Aki met a girl named Kato Megumi (voiced by Anno Kiyono). Although Megumi was inconspicuous and had no characteristics walking in the crowd, Tomoya Aki couldn't help but fall in love with this girl who exuded a wonderful aura. Keeping the girl's appearance firmly in mind, Tomoya Aki designed a doujin game based on Megumi's appearance. What Tomoya Aki didn't expect was that Megumi became his classmate and also became a member of his doujin game production team. The mixed-race girl Eriri (voiced by Saori Onishi) and the quiet senior sister Kasumigaoka Utaha, amazing characters joined Tomoya Aki's doujin club one after another.