Set in a private high school in Gangnam, a wealthy area in South Korea, the film begins with the disappearance of the heroine who has lost her memory, and tells a series of youth campus stories that happened in the school. Lee Eun-bi (Kim So-hyun), who has always been isolated but becomes a celebrity in Segang High School, a famous high school in Gangnam, one morning, a rising star with eight-pack abs and a muscular body, a swimming genius surrounded by the spotlight of the media and the public, Han Yi-an (Nam Joo-hyuk), the recognized school idol of Segang High School, who is cold on the outside but warm on the inside, and the time bomb, troublemaker, and four-dimensional boy Kong Tae-gwang (Yuk Sung-jae) of Segang High School, are all sparks that are expected to be created. *Director's narration of "School 2015" is more realistic: 1) The story of high school students healing around the heroine #Kim So-hyun# is different from the previous story of contradictory friendship between boys. 2) The opening of each episode will interview parents, teachers, and students about their different troubles, which is a fresher, richer, and more real topic. 3) The collision and contradictions between mothers and children of different generations growing up together.