The series tells the story of an alien attack that has almost wiped out all of humanity on Earth, with only a few humans left fighting for survival. Emily (Edgar-Jones) discovers that she can have a strange personal connection with the aliens. In the second season, the possibility that the invaders are human has confused everyone, and what awaits them is a tense battle to take back the earth. Howard Allman (Merlin) wrote the script. The series will be launched on EPIX on June 6. Set-in present-day Europe, War of the World is a multi-faceted series, based on the story by H.G.Wells. When astronomers detect a transmission from another galaxy, it is definitive proof of intelligent extra-terrestrial life. The world's population waits for further contact with baited breath. They do not have to wait long. Within days, mankind is all but wiped out; just pockets of humanity are left in an eerilydesertedworld.Asalienshipsappearinthesky,thesurvivorsaskaburningquestion–whoaretheseattackersandwhyaretheyhell-bentonourdestruction?Thisisastoryofordinarypeopleinextr aordinarycircumstances-buttheyaremorethanjustvictimsinabrutalwar.For,aswewillcometorealize,thealiens'savageattackonearthisnotarbitrary:itsseedsarebeingsownbeforeourveryeyes.