The arrival of Soichiro Nagi (voiced by Soichiro Hoshi) and Bubi Makihara (voiced by Shinichiro Miki) made the originally peaceful Tongdao Academy restless. Although Tongdao Academy is a martial arts school, the school advocates peaceful and rational martial arts and opposes violence without cause. The purpose of Soichiro and Makihara this time is to conquer this school. As you can imagine, Soichiro was kicked away by the coming soft sword department head Zao Maya (voiced by Aya Hisakawa) and Takayanagi Masataka (voiced by Tomokazu Seki). Unfortunately, he fell on Zao Aya (voiced by Minori Chihara) who had just taken a bath. Unexpectedly, Zao Aya fell in love with him at first sight. Soichiro, who has a phobia of women, began his happy life at Tongdao Academy. As campus life progresses, some signs called "pillars" gradually surfaced. On whose body are these signs engraved? What do they represent? Soichiro decided to find out.