"Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles" is a series to be broadcasted by FOX in the United States in 2008. It is adapted from the classic science fiction film "Terminator" series. It tells the life of the heroine Sarah Connor (played by Lena Headey) and her son John (played by Thomas Dekker) after a series of events in "Terminator 2". This series will be launched on FOX TV in the United States on January 14, 2008. In "Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles", John and Sarah will continue to flee and try their best to stop the "Skynet" plan, which is a technological weapon created by the "Company" to destroy mankind. In the original film, Sarah always encounters "Terminators" (high-tech robots) from the future, some of which come to protect her, while others come to destroy her. In the new TV series, Sarah and John are not satisfied with their comfortable life, so they embark on the road of escape again and come to a new city, where John meets a local girl Cameron Phillips (Summer Glau). He thinks life can continue to settle down, but the appearance of John's teacher Cromartie (Owain Yeoman) breaks the peace. It turns out that this substitute teacher is a "Terminator" who came to assassinate John, and Cameron is also a "Terminator", but her mission is to protect John. The story unfolds and a new escape begins... Thomas Dekker, who plays the male protagonist John in the play, may not be very familiar to everyone, but friends who have watched the American TV series "Heroes" should know that he is Zach, the classmate of cheerleader Claire in the first season, who took a DV to shoot a video for Claire.