The story takes place on the distant moon, which has become a planet suitable for human habitation. One day, Haruka Daichi (voiced by Yoko Matsuoka), who traveled to the moon, encountered a lunar race called "Rabbit People". They told Haruka Daichi that their planet in the inner layer of the moon was invaded and occupied by the evil race. For this reason, they embarked on a journey to find warriors who could fight against the evil race. What the rabbits didn't expect was that Haruka Daichi was the light magic warrior they were looking for. Through the magic circle, Haruka Daichi summoned the Magic King of the Earth. Afterwards, Yamamoto Gas (voiced by Tatsuya Matsuda), who summoned the Magic King of Wind, Marius (voiced by Shinobu Adachi), who summoned the Magic King of Water, and others appeared one after another, and a group of people came to the Holy Land Road, ready to embark on a thrilling fantasy journey there.