The story takes place at Kitauji High School. Kumiko Oumae (voiced by Tomoha Kurosawa) has just entered the campus. Kumiko is full of longing for the unknown high school life. Kato Hazuki (voiced by Ayaka Asai) is Kumiko's classmate. Under Hazuki's strong persuasion, Kumiko, who is soft-hearted, joins the school's wind band club half-heartedly. Once upon a time, the wind band club had a very glorious history. However, after changing the advisor, the wind band club gradually became lonely. Now, music teacher Taki Noboru (voiced by Takahiro Sakurai) has just taken office as the new advisor. He has great confidence in revitalizing the wind band club and entering the national conference. With the company and guidance of these predecessors, Kumiko's happy high school life begins.