"Attack on Titan: The Second Episode: Wings of Freedom" is the second part of the Japanese anime "Attack on Titan". This is a serialized anime following the first part of "Attack on Titan", and will follow the plot development of Attack on Titan. The animated version has not yet been released. Plot summary: The second season tells the story that humans once collapsed due to being preyed upon by giants. The surviving people built three huge protective walls to prevent the invasion of giants, and enjoyed a hundred years of peace in this isolated environment. However, as the price of "peace", humans lost the "freedom" to go outside the wall, and lived a stable life like captive animals. The protagonist, Eren Yeager, is interested in the outside world that he has not seen yet, and he also yearns for the "freedom" that humans have lost. Unlike most humans who are afraid of giants and blindly believe that the wall can protect their own safety and are willing to live inside the wall, his idea of exploring the world outside the wall is regarded as heresy. When people had lived in peace for 100 years, when Alan Yeager was ten years old, a unprecedented "Colossal Titan" with a height of 60 meters suddenly appeared. It destroyed the giant wall with overwhelming force, and then disappeared in an instant. The giants rushed into the wall in groups to prey on humans.