The story tells that Hanabi Yasuoka (Miyu Yoshimoto) and Awaya Mugi (Michi Sakurada) are an ideal high school couple on the surface, but they each like someone else in their hearts. Hanabi likes Narumi Kanai (Kosei Mizuta), and the two are childhood sweethearts. He is like a brother to Hanabi and is now Hanabi's homeroom teacher. Awaya likes the school's music teacher Akane Minagawa (Rina Aizawa), but Narumi likes her. Hanabi and Awaya feel similar to each other because of the same suffering, so they become "contract lovers" and comfort each other. Ikegami Saori plays Hanabi's friend Sanae Ebato, and the premiere will be on January 18! The anime version will be on January 12, realizing the plan of broadcasting the Japanese drama and animation at the same time.