This film is the sequel to "The Silence of the Lambs" released on the 10th anniversary of the film. This episode is still adapted from the novel by writer Thomas Harris. Hannibal (Anthony Hopkins), who escaped from a highly guarded hospital, is unable to change his bad habits and continues to look for his "prey". Unexpectedly, he becomes the target of Mason (Gary Oldman), who has survived his own knife. Mason is a pedophile who has raped his own sister. He escaped from prison when he was young and received psychological treatment from the demon Hannibal Lecter, but Hannibal Lecter caused him to be paralyzed and severely disfigured. Now he has to rely on artificial respirators to survive. But he has a huge fortune and keeps collecting various children, hoping to draw Hannibal out and carry out a terrorist revenge. Hannibal has no choice but to turn to Agent Clarice (Julianne Moore). Who will win the duel between the two demons?