Miho Nishizumi (voiced by Mai Fuchigami), a high school girl born in a tank family, has long been tired of the "tank road" that has been popularized worldwide as a traditional culture and is known as a training for women. In order to escape this annoying fate, Miho deliberately transferred to Oarai, where there is no such subject, and made friends with Saori Takebe (voiced by Ai Kayano) who longs for romantic love and Hana Isuzu (voiced by Makoto Ozaki) who is good at flower arrangement. Unexpectedly, Japan is about to hold a tank road competition, and the Oki Girls' Academy where Miho is located has also restored the tank road course. Due to the shortage of relevant experience colleges, Miho and her two friends were forced by the student council president to take the tank road course together. For this long-stagnant subject, 18 girls searched for abandoned tanks, repaired and maintained them, took advanced operation and combat courses, and carried out actual combat exercises... and so on, everything started from scratch. After a period of hard training, the girls of Oarai Girls' Academy drove the energetic tanks to the national competition venue full of masters...