The story takes place during the reign of Emperor Daizong of the Tang Dynasty. The prince Nalandong (played by Raymond Lam), who is chivalrous and righteous among the people, meets the talented Li Yi (played by Cheng Cheng) and the singing girl Xiaoyu (played by Michelle Ye), and the three become close friends. When Nalandong first met Xiaoyu, he was fascinated by her talent and appearance, but Li Yi and Xiaoyu were in love, so he couldn't steal her away. The daughter of the Taiwei (played by Zhou Shaodong) Lu Jinglan (played by Chen Yirong) is in love with Nalandong, but Nalandong has no good feelings for her. The crown prince Li Shi is suspected by his father. He is afraid that his position will be jeopardized, so he colludes with the Taiwei to restrict Nalandong everywhere. The court intends to arrange the "Oiran Competition" in Chang'an Dance and Music Square. In the competition, Xiaoyu's Oiran changes her master and is forced to marry the princess (played by Yuen Qiudan) and marry the Turks. The purple hairpin she wears becomes evidence of her life as a princess. Li Yi, who passed the imperial examination, wanted to renew his relationship with Xiaoyu, but was unexpectedly obstructed by the Taiwei. Nalan Dong came out to help him, but he himself disappeared from the world and disappeared...