This is a world where humans and demons coexist, but the domination of the world is still in the hands of human beings. One day, the demon king captured and imprisoned the human princess Sumire (voiced by Minase Inori), and sent a ransom letter to humans, demanding that humans use the domination of the world in exchange for the princess's freedom. In order to save the princess, the brave Aurora (voiced by Shimono Hiro) embarked on a journey full of crises. However, the days of imprisonment were too boring, and the eccentric and restless Sumire decided to have some fun in the demon king's city. Whether it was Leonardo, the mage of the Demon Church (voiced by Kaito Ishikawa), or the loyal dog Husky (voiced by Chikahiro Kobayashi) who served the demon king for generations, even the majestic demon king (voiced by Yoshitsugu Matsuoka) himself, they were all fooled by the princess's pranks.