Yoshifumi Nitta (voiced by Yoshiki Nakajima) is a gangster cadre working for the Ashikawa Group. Although he looks very fierce and is engaged in a terrifying profession, in fact, Yoshifumi Nitta has a very kind heart. One day, a mysterious oval object fell into Yoshifumi Nitta's room, where a beautiful girl Hina (voiced by Takako Tanaka) appeared. Hina, with an expressionless face, turned to Yoshifumi Nitta's powerful telekinesis. Under the pressure of Hina, Yoshifumi Nitta had to let her live in his home as a daughter. In this way, the cohabitation life of the gangster and the superpower girl began. Because of her extremely powerful power, Hina often ran away out of control, creating a lot of trouble for Yoshifumi Nitta to clean up. At first, the relationship between the "father and daughter" was very tense, but as time went on, they actually developed a family relationship.