Kurata Sana (voiced by Oda Shizue) has been performing in a troupe since she was a child. She debuted as a child star and was very popular. However, even such a child has countless troubles. A boy named Akito Haneyama (voiced by Nakazaki Tatsuya) in the class took the lead in rebelling against the teacher, causing the class to fall into chaos, which gave Sana a headache. However, when Sana learned about Akito's tragic life experience and poor family situation, she decided to rely on her own strength to heal Akito. Sasaki Tsuyoshi (voiced by Misawa Mayumi) is a friend of Sana and Akito. The kind-hearted Tsuyoshi unfortunately encountered the tragedy of family breakdown and was ridiculed by his classmates. At this time, the kind-hearted Sugita Aya (voiced by Kikuchi Akiko) stood up and not only protected Tsuyoshi, but also made an amazing confession. Unknowingly, Sana has fallen deeply in love with Akito. However, when she realized her feelings, she learned that Akito had begun dating her good friend Matsui Fuka (voiced by Ikoma Harumi).