Invincible Wreck-It Ralph (voiced by John C. Reilly) lives in a low-precision game produced in the 1980s. His set identity is a villain, and his daily life is to wreak havoc in the game "Fast Hand Ash", after which the hero Fast Hand Ash (voiced by Jack McBrayer) controlled by the player will arrive in time to repair, win medals, and take all the glory. As a villain, Wreck-It Ralph is tired of his life. Seeing Ash surrounded by the halo of the winner, he lives in boredom day after day, and he finally decides to change. He simply thinks that as long as he can get a medal, he can get rid of the identity of the villain, so one day after the arcade closed, Wreck-It Ralph secretly left his game and went to the world of other video games. On the way, Wreck-It Ralph met the cold captain from "Hero's Mission" (voiced by Jane Lynch) and the little girl Yunni (voiced by Sarah Silverman) from the 90s candy racing game "Sweet Sprint". The latter dreams of playing in the game, but her identity does not allow her to realize her dream. The game "Fast Hand Ash" to which Wrecker belongs is considered a system error due to his loss. If he is not returned as soon as possible, the game will be permanently deleted; and the game world of "Sweet Sprint" is quietly brewing a huge conspiracy that threatens the entire game world. This may be an opportunity for the invincible Wrecker to realize his dream, but it may also be a road of no return... Can he turn the tide and become a real hero?