"Noble Detective" is a mystery drama broadcasted in the 9-hour slot of the spring 2017 broadcast of Fuji TV. It was directed by Isao Nakae, Hiro Kanai, and Hideyuki Aizawa, written by Tsutomu Kuroiwa, and starred by Masaki Aiba. It premiered on April 17, 2017. The drama is adapted from the mystery novel "Noble Detective" by Yutaka Maya and its sequel "Noble Detective vs. Female Detective". It tells the story of a young man whose age, life experience, residence, and real name are all completely mysterious. He calls himself "Noble Detective", but he has no interest in "miscellaneous matters" such as reasoning, and lets the maids, drivers, and housekeepers around him reason and solve cases on his behalf. Masaki Aiba plays a young man who calls himself "Noble Detective" whose age, family, education, residence, and even name are all mysteries. Takei Saki plays the rookie detective, Igawa Haruka plays the detective she regards as her master, Namase Katsuhisa plays the detective, Nakayama Miho plays the maid, Takito Kenichi plays the driver, Matsushige Yutaka plays the butler, and Nakama Yukie plays the mysterious character.