The story takes place in 2029. After being attacked by the virus, Japan fell into chaos and was taken over by a violent organization called "GHQ", and the government gradually became a puppet. In such a turbulent environment, Sakuraman Ji (voiced by Yuki Kaji) is just an ordinary high school student, living an ordinary life of his own, until the girl named Yui Inori (voiced by Ai Chino) appeared in front of him. Inori's true identity is a member of the "Funeral Society", a club that continues to fight dangerous and cruel wars with the goal of regaining Japan's autonomy from GHQ. Under the guidance of the leader of the organization, Yami Tsuchiya (voiced by Yuichi Nakamura), Ji became a member of the organization and met his colleagues Shinomiya Ayase (voiced by Kana Hanazawa) and Tugu (voiced by Ayana Taketatsu). As the battle escalates, various signs show that Ji seems to have mysterious power, and no one knows what kind of powerful existence is hiding behind many enemies...