The Academy City, which occupies 1/3 of the western part of Tokyo, has a population of over 2.3 million and more than 80% of its members are students. The city has developed rapidly in cutting-edge technology and superpower development has penetrated into every corner of the city. Misaka Mikoto (voiced by Sato Rina), who has a superpower level of Level 5, lives an ordinary life with her friends such as Hatsuharu Shikaori (voiced by Toyosaki Aiko) and Shirai Kuroko (voiced by Arai Satomi), and occasionally she bursts into passion to thwart various plots that disrupt the city. One day, while investigating a present-day card incident, she met Futsuko Toshin (voiced by Hayama Ikumi) from the Nagata-joji Academy, and learned about the "mass production type superpower plan" that uses Mikoto's DNA to mass-produce superpowers. The atmosphere of instability is spreading wantonly in every corner of the city... This film is the second season of the TV animation of the spin-off manga "A Certain Magical Index" by Kamachi Kazuma (original work) and Fuyukawa Moto (illustration).