Plastic models from the anime "Mobile Suit Gundam" were popular in the 1980s. Today, the second Gunpla boom is sweeping the world. Influenced by its popularity, the "Gunpla Battle" was born. Instead of CG in a virtual space, you can fight by manipulating the built Gunpla and participate in the world championship using a groundbreaking system. The protagonist of the story, Irio, loves Gunpla very much, and participating in the Gunpla Battle World Championship is the dream of this young Gunpla builder. As the only son of a model shop, he has superb Gunpla making skills, but he is so unfamiliar with the battle control that he lost in his first battle in the competition. He met a mysterious boy named Reggie who has extraordinary Gunpla control skills. They teamed up to challenge the world championship, with the goal of participating in the world championship and winning!