Kanda Sorata (voiced by Matsuoka Yoshitsugu), who was expelled from his residence for violating dormitory rules, wandered on the streets with his beloved cat. As a result, he had to live in the old dormitory known as the "problem student concentration camp" - Sakurasou. Sure enough, the strange people who appeared one after another made Sorata more convinced of the credibility of the rumors, but while getting along with them, Sorata also found that although they were problem students, the strange residents of Sakurasou actually had innocent and kind hearts. Shiina Mashiro (voiced by Chino Ai) in Room 202 dreams of becoming a cartoonist. She can only draw good original paintings and has always been struggling with the conception of the plot. Kamiigusa Misaki (voiced by Takamori Nazumi) in Room 201 is considered to have wasted her talent for drawing comics because she is too focused on the production of animation. Mitaka Jin (voiced by Sakurai Takahiro) in Room 103 is extremely popular among women. Aoyama Nanami (voiced by Nakatsu Mariko) in Room 203 is honored to be the most normal member of the entire Sakurasou with her overly stubborn personality. Surrounded by these weirdos, Sorata and the cats' new life begins.